Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag

The next Installment of the Assassin’s Creed series looks like it  is going to be amazing, with the beautiful graphics and dynamic weather system. The world is huge, with over 50 main locations and hundreds smaller random places, the amount of time to build the world, without the textures, meshes, sounds, characters, scripting, etc. must have been huge, some rumors say that they have been working over two years on the game.



(Image credit: Ubisoft, game screenshot by non-affiliate of Ubisoft)

The game looks truly amazing, it is huge and the mechanics are great! This is a MUST BUY!!!!!!

Happy gaming,



This is my poem I wrote,

Inside the carrier the kitten mews,
An orange tabby, he, with sparks of red,
Like a prince, captive amid his palanquin,
Until it reaches it’s destination and he is freed.
Aboard, the kitten looks, thinks and strains,
Hoping to hear a clue when he will be free.
Yet from his porter, no clue is heard.
Within, the kitten paws, scrapes and meows,
Impatient to run free again, uncaged.